X and Fluxbox :: what are the exact refresh-rates dsl uses?
So is it possible that DSL reports running at it's default whereas it really changed to a lower mode?
DSL uses VESA 2.0 standard graphics modes.
It does not set the vertical or horizontal refresh rates.
These are set by the video card's VESA BIOS program.
Typically, they are 60Hz for horizontal and vertical according to the standard defined for that display resolution.
Try a lower resolution like:
dsl vga=normal xsetup
and then choose xvesa and a lower resolution like 800x600x16bit
In DSL graphics work fine even without passing any special parameters at boot-time, however it seems to be that they are not working at the setting DSL reports to have chosen, ie. 1024x768x32.
So my hunch is that eventough DSL says it's working @1024x768x32 it is actually only working @800x600x16 because that appears to be the max. my laptop display can pull off, or are the settings I am attempting just not good and is it possible to run my screen @1024x768x32?
Your laptop may support 1024x768x32 when it is plugged into an external monitor, yet it may be limited if you are running from the internal display.
is there anyway to change the hertz inside dsl? i just got a huge 21 inch crt for 20 bucks at a garage sale, except the herz rating in dsl isnt high enough for it.
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