X and Fluxbox :: installing XFree86 when running from CD

hi. I am trying to install XFree86 and the nvidia driver when running from CD and i see that XFree86 binary are not copied to /usr/X11R6/bin because this location is not writable, so
is imposible to install XFree86 when running from CD?

How were you attempting to install it?  If you simply try to extract the archive into the filesystem it will fail, for the reason you mentioned.  The myDSL system has its own installation script which will take care of it for you.

yeah, i was using dsl-load but the file was xfree86.dsl.tar.gz becouse i have changed some lines.
now with Xfree86.dsl works, but still having errors.

Xauth: timeout in locking authority file /home/dsl/.Xauthority
this appears lot of times.

cannot open log file XFree86.0.log

this wasnt installed, even if i try to make the file i got "permission denied blah blah".

Did you read the little howto and make sure you replaced the .xserverrc file to match with your new xf86config?

Xfree and nvidia will work on the livecd. I run them both myself.

Good luck


As you have probably noticed, renaming myDSL files is not a good idea. First, the mydsl installation depends on the file extension to know whether to open up a writeable system and whether to install or mount the package.
Second, uci packages rely on a specific filename in order to cleanly unmount the package.

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