X and Fluxbox :: Make XFree86 Stick

Hi, sorry to bother everyone, but the XFree86 walkthrough's have disappeared.  I can more or less succesfully install XFree86 following the instructions in the info with a nice XFree86 -configure thrown in to find the mouse.  If add XF86Config-4 and ~/.xserverrc to filetool.lst.  However, when I reboot, everything is back to how it was before with the config and line in xserverrc needed for XFree86 deleted.  I am using a frugal install of DSL with the XF86-4 vesa config.
Is your system going thru the backup routine when you reboot?
Adding them to your filetool.lst is useless if no backup is run..

Try manually running a backup from the menu,
then look inside the backup.tar.gz, and see if your
backed-up /etc/XF86config-4 and /home/dsl/.xserverrc
files are really in your backup.tar.gz ?

tar -ztf backup.tar.gz > list
beaver list

With a frugal install, does your bootup options include the
code ' restore=hdXx '  ( Xx = your backup location )  ??

Do you see the bootup shell mentioning loading your backup,
just before you hit the desktop ?


I have checked the backup.tar.gz file and even if I manually select "backup" from the system panel, no changes are made.  In it are only the default files that where in filetool.lst when I installed DSL.
please post up the contents of your filetool.lst,
and the contents of your 'list' file you made
from your backup.tar.gz..

Is it possible you have 2 backup.tar.gz files ??
Another one somewhere on your system,
located in the root of a partition??

The first one dsl finds is the one it will use,
if you don't have the specific location
named in your lilo configuration..


It turns out there's a backup.tar.gz in /mnt/hda3/optional (where the myDSL are) as well as /mnt/hda3, neither contain anything not on the default filetool.lst.  Filetool is always reset to the deault on reboot.  I deleted both of them, then tried the manual backup button again.  It paused for a second as usuall.  But no new backup.tar.gz was created.  On restart, still no backup.tar.gz created.
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