X and Fluxbox :: whats the command that starts fluxmenu?
Hello Y'all,
I can't find (searched the forum) the command that starts the fluxbox-menu (make it popup). I need it so that i can bind the MS-flag-key (NoSymbol) to this command. (I used xev to find the right name for this key).
Not sure if this is it or not:
which "Summons the Root Menu" - not sure if that's the normal menu or what.
Apparently the windoze key is "Mod4" in fluxbox key speak.
So in .fluxbox/keys I think you could try
Mod4 :RootMenu
I'm thinking you could maybe launch emelfm like a windows explorer launch:
Mod4 e :ExecCommand emelfm
Could come in handy.
I tried this:
Because "xev" and pressing the MSwindows flag-key gave a "NoSymbol" keyname means i have to: xmodmap -e "keycode 133 = F13"
Now when i press the MSwindows flag-key it is registred as F13. But i still don't know how to add it in the fluxbox/keys -file.
Mod1 F13 :ExecCommand beaver (just to test it, i want to run the RootMenu actualy)
Mod4 F13 :ExecCommand beaver
F13 :ExecCommand beaver
Still no sigar...
i always exit xfree86 to reload fluxbox (just to be sure it is reloaded)
I just read somthing about certain keymapping that don't work in Xfree86 (which i am using)
Your .fluxbox/keys syntax is correct. The command for the menu is
"somemodifier somekey :RootMenu".
I'm guessing that your keymapping is the problem. Maybe there's a conflict with another F13 mapping? I can't remember exactly how i had the windows keys set up in DSL (so much reconfiguring to do...so much...), but i used "xmodmap $HOME/.Xmodmap" intead of the -e option. The file had something similar to this in it:
clear mod3
clear mod4
keycode 115 = Super_L
keycode 116 = Super_R
add mod4 = Super_L
add mod3 = Super_R
For reloading the fluxbox config, you could set up a hotkey with the ":Reconfigure" command instead of restarting X (it could be "Reconfig"...can't remember for sure).
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