X and Fluxbox :: mouse theme

Is there any way to change the default mouse theme under fluxbox?
Same question I need to know

are the mouse images hard coded into Xvesa? Is there any way to change their colour?

I've got an old dual scan laptop and the pointer dissappears all too often.


Installing Mouse Cursor Themes

   * Extract the cursor theme package:

tar -zxvf foobar-cursor-theme-package-foo.tar.gz
tar -jxvf foobar-cursor-theme-package-foo.tar.bz2

   * Make a directory for the cursor theme:

Example: ~FooBar-~AweSoMe-Cursors-v2.98beta

Per-user installation:

mkdir -p ~/.icons/foobar/cursors

System-wide installation:

mkdir -p /usr/share/icons/foobar/cursors

Be sure to simplify the name of the theme ('foobar' instead of '~FooBar-~AweSoMe-Cursors-v2.98beta')

   * Copy cursor files into the appropriate directory:

cp -R FooBar-AweSoMe-Cursors-v2.98beta/cursors/* /usr/share/icons/foobar/cursors/

If the package includes index.theme file check if there is an "Inherits" line inside.
If yes, check whether the inherited theme also exists under this name in your system (rename if needed).
Note that X already comes with the 'redglass' and 'whiteglass' themes in /usr/X11R6/lib/icons.

   * Copy index.theme file into diretory:

cp -R FooBar-AweSoMe-Cursors-v2.98beta/index.theme /usr/share/icons/foobar/index.theme

If the package doesn't have index.theme or if it doesn't include an "Inherits" line you don't have to copy this file.
Configuring Cursor Themes
To use a cursor theme, add this line to your ~/.Xdefaults:

Xcursor.theme: foobar

Make sure the file ~/.Xdefaults is called by your window manager.
You can force loading it to get loaded by running xrdb ~/.Xdefaults before loading your window manager (for example from .xinitrc if you use startx).
Refer to your window manager documentation for details.

You can optionally add this line if your cursor theme supports multiple sizes:

Xcursor.size:  32       #  32, 48 or 64 are probably good values

If you don't know about supported cursor sizes just start X without this setting and let it choose the cursor size automatically.

Hope that's helpful.

crusadingknight: This might work with Xfree86 or Xorg, but it doesn't work with kdrive.  I haven't tested with XFree since the xfree package i have doesn't seem to work with DSL 2.

The only way I've found so far to change the cursor in DSL's Xvesa server is to use a bitmap font cursor, like the one found in the artwiz fonts package.  With that one i used the command "xset +fp  /path/to/fonts/directory", and "xset fp rehash" if it doesn't stick with the first command.

Uhm... I'm running XVesa now, it's working... just, it requires installation of the xutils.
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