X and Fluxbox :: XFree86.dsl
Apologies for being dumb.
Is there a howto on getting XFree86 installed and working.
Ive read the info page for XFree86.dsl and XFree86config.dsl but it doesnt make much sense to a nOOb like me.
I have a Nvidia Mainboard, Nvidia FX Graphics card, Athlon 3200 & 1 Gig Ram.
Hope someone can help - thanks in advance!
I have been struggling with this too. I can't stand the 60hz refresh rate, it give me a headache, so i'd like to use xfree86. Please help!
It's not difficult (there is also a readme file in the repository).
If I remember it correctly, you will only have to mount the .dsl and copy, edit and rename the XF86Config-4 included in the Xfree86.dsl
Wrong section folks. Questions, etc, about extensions go in the appropriate MyDSL forum area.
original here.