Other Help Topics :: ies4linux, internet explorer, dsl-dpkg, cabextract

kubuntu doesn't suspend properly

I used to use kubuntu, but on a much less-endowed laptop than you just described (try 800 mhz, 256MB RAM); I had no trouble with it. I could give you a checklist of things like making sure your swap>RAM (yes, that will help), properly configuring ACPI (ACPI_SLEEP=true in /etc/default/acpi-support), etc...

Know anyone who has IE6 successfully running on DSL with wine?

Sorry. I don't run WINE, I've never used IE. I also blacklist sites that don't work under Seamonkey or Firefox (or one of my peeves, that are entirely or mostly Flash-based). Which sites are giving you trouble, and have you contacted the webmasters?

I agree... however one of my online financial institutions, Wells fargo, requires IE.  Kind of stupid.

Also, I am a science teacher, and some of the interactive tools I use for my kids uses Shockwave and I like to experiment with those at home before I have the kids do it.  I can Shockwave to work in Kubuntu feisty running Firefox windows version with wine.  I can't seem to accomplish that under DSL.  The version of wine is too old and the fonts don't show up, although the windows version does run quite well otherwise.  I was hoping IE might do it.  

Not a biggie.  Thanks for your help and quick replies.

P.S.  help with kubuntu suspending to ram would be grand.  Actually, it suspends fine, but when awaking, the screen just flickers and I never get the login screen back.  On my laptop, this works fine with kubuntu-edgy.  My desktop never suspended in dapper/edgy/feisty.

Any checklist would be very much appreciated, even though this isn't the proper forum for that.

Hello! ie6 is running successfully.
The following is on a clean boot (no restore whatsoever) from livecd.

1. wget
2. mydsl-load wine-0.9.28_with_opengl.dsl
3. wget http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/downloads/ies4linux-2.0.5.tar.gz
4. tar xzf ies4linux-2.0.5.tar.gz
5. ./ies4linux/ies4linux
6. "You need to install cabextract first! Download it here: http://www.kyz.uklinux.net/cabextract.php"
7. I load self-compiled cabextract from my hard disk partition:
mydsl-load /mnt/hdaX/cabextract.tar.gz (-> /opt/bin/cabextract)
8. ./ies4linux/ies4linux
9. "You need to install 'wget' first!"
10. I load self-compiled wget: mydsl-load /mnt/hdaX/wget.dsl
(-> /usr/bin/wget.dsl)
11. ./ies4linux/ies4linux
12. "You need to install 'unzip' first!"
13. I load self-compiled unzip: mydsl-load /mnt/hdaX/unzip.dsl
(-> /usr/bin/unzip)
14. ./ies4linux/ies4linux - Success, installation starts.
Afterwards (screenshot):

(Just personally) I prefer compiling utilities separately rather than struggling with package dependencies.  

To make cabextract:
wget http://www.kyz.uklinux.net/downloads/cabextract-1.2.tar.gz
tar xzf cabextract-1.2.tar.gz
cd cabextract-1.2
strip cabextract
Then copy cabextract into some bin directory. I used /opt/bin.
cp cabextract /opt/bin

To make wget:
wget http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/wget/wget-1.10.2.tar.gz
tar xzf wget-1.10.2.tar.gz
cd wget-1.10.2
If you want openssl support for wget (seldom needed, but in case you want it), you need


./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --disable-debug --disable-nls --disable-rpath
strip src/wget
cp src/wget /usr/bin (wget is a common utility and this is the usual location, so I put it here)

To make unzip:
wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/infozip/unzip552.tar.gz
tar xzf unzip552.tar.gz
cd unzip-5.52
unzip doesn't have autoconfiguration.
Instead, you must use one of the makefiles provided.
linux users can use 'unix/Makefile'.
make -f ./unix/Makefile linux
cp unzip /usr/bin
strip unzip
cp unzip /usr/bin (this is usual location)

You can keep cabextract, wget, unzip tarred up on hard disk for later uses.
You can do:
tar zcvf wget.dsl --numeric-owner /usr/bin/wget
(./wget.dsl is created.)
To load it you can just do:
mydsl-load /mnt/hdaX/wget.dsl

Hmmm... when I went to ./configure the cabextract, I got an error saying "no acceptable C complier found in $PATH" so I could not proceed to "make"  Do I need to have a DSL app installed.  I went to synaptic to see if "build-essential" was installed, and it is.  

I am using the latest DSL build.

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