Other Help Topics :: DSL-N forum access please!

I know you are all for security, etc.  I have switched gears and playing a lot with dsl-n and now I see it's the same domain, different forum, so now I need to wait for that account to be manually active.

Please take a moment to approve!  I will ask the question here while I wait!

gtk2, how / where is the installer/.dsl package, also Firefox ?  In DSL4 there was the panel and had gtk2.  DSL-N is running the 2.6 kernel which is what I want, but the panel seems much more restrictive.

I do have the distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distrobutions/damnsmalllinux/mysql site.  I am wondering if I can use those extensions?

Since dsl-n contains different libraries as compared to dsl, it is not obvious that extensions made for dsl will work on dsl-n.

I seem to rememberthat the base dsl-n contains gtk2, but I could be mistaken - there is no firefox, its seamonkey...

Oh, and the dsl-n forum is closed, it has a section in this forum now.

J, tnx for the reply.   Didn't even notice the HUGE CLOSED, CLICK HERE!

GTK2, I just assumed it was gtk1.  So I will refrain from those lib's, did install the .dsl for firefox, but it's version 1.

I need to get the flash player working for FF and kiosk mode which works on 1.5 and above, so will google around.  

Lastly, what's the easiest way to remove packages?  I did the FF1 and it's sitting on the dekstop, I want to kill it as I look for the newer?

Tnx again, will post the newer q's in the dsl-n sub forum.

Removing them should be the same as in DSL.

original here.