Other Help Topics :: UCI question

Quote (lucky13 @ Jan. 29 2008,00:04)
What did you link? I haven't used your extension, but it should overlay /usr leveraging unionfs. If you added links from /opt to those locations it's still overwriting /usr. No?

Edit: And if it's overwriting /usr, is it doing it now via unionfs or RAM as a dsl would?

I don't think it's overwriting anything; I added link "vim" to /usr/local/share.  That solved the issue.  



Personally, I think recompiling is the best way to solve the problem, since it not only eliminates the manual work of making symlinks, etc, it also saves you the trouble of making a 'user.tar.gz' file with the data files (e.g. help-menu files, spellcheck files) that are in '/usr/local/share/vim/vim71/'.

Actually, I simply used a wrapper, which checks to see if there's a link, if not adds it  A wrapper is frequently needed with UCI's anyway, such as for exporting paths to libraries.

I added link "vim" to /usr/local/share.
Unfortunately, that doesn't count as a valid .uci according to the standard.  Although it may work, it will cause mkwriteable to be invoked (unless that has changed recently)

A wrapper is frequently needed with UCI's anyway, such as for exporting paths to libraries.
It's different because you are changing a restricted part of the filesystem.. for the same reason (above).

Quote (^thehatsrule^ @ Jan. 29 2008,02:34)
I added link "vim" to /usr/local/share.
Unfortunately, that doesn't count as a valid .uci according to the standard.  Although it may work, it will cause mkwriteable to be invoked (unless that has changed recently)

Okay, so I'm guessing recompiling with --prefix=/opt/vim_7.1 will get all the paths into the /opt directory.  A few more weeks on the DSL board should prepare me for taking the California bar exam  :)

edit: I wasn't referring to gin & tonics

Okay, so I'm guessing recompiling with --prefix=/opt/vim_7.1 will get all the paths into the /opt directory.
Unless the process has changed since 6.x, that should work just fine. The existing vim.uci was built that way.

Okay, so I'm guessing recompiling with --prefix=/opt/vim_7.1 will get all the paths into the /opt directory.

Yes, vim compiles very nicely there with no need for wrapper scripts. Are you going to add the patches (242 as of this moment)?

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