Other Help Topics :: Mounting a partition from a logical volume

Is there a way to mount in my DSL system the /home partition inside a logical volume from a FC6 install?
It's an old Dell laptop running very slowly under FC6 (I need it to access my mp3 players) and very smoothly under DSL.
I'd love to be able to access my home from DSL.
I know that DSL hasn't vlm support, but I know that in FC6 vlm support is launched in initrd, before to load the kernel, I had a problem in the past with initrd loosing vlm support and I got kernel panic.
So I think it's not unpossible but I don't arrive to figure how.
I searched a lot in the forum and googled, but without solution. If someone has an idea about the way to do it, please share.

Do you mean LVM? If so, it looks like the module is included in DSL base, but I have no idea if you need other tools to utilize it.  See lvm-mod.
Yes it's LVM, sorry.
I'll try to work on lvm-mod
Thanks for your help

original here.