Other Help Topics :: Startup Splash screen

Now that this box is working nicely, how hard is it to hide all the startup information with something simple like a company logo image.  Naturally something animated, etc. would be really nice, but for starters just replace all that startup stuff with an image would really help.


Bootsplash is the way to go; but it takes some skill to rebuild it into the kernel and remaster.
Splashy of all the boot eye-candy-splashers would be easiest, but it won't work with 2.4 kernels.

An option that *might* work, I haven't tried, would be using the showimage program from SDL_image. It's a lite image viewer on top of SDL, so it works in framebuffer console also.

Press the power button, then go get a cup of coffee. It works fine for me.  By the time I return, the login prompt is already showing...and I take my coffee black.

The above is not to be taken entirely seriously, but it is one way to avoid staring at nothing but scrolling text.
The serious part is I don't understand why you'd want to block potentially vital information with a picture.  If you run into a boot problem you can instantly see where it happened if you allow the boot messages to show.

I will take a peek at bootsplash.

Mikshaw, thanks for the laugh.  These are small box's that are imaged and go out in the field, at local stores so non technical people would be looking at it from start to finish and came up with that suggestion, but I do appreciate the comedy....


These are small box's that are imaged and go out in the field, at local stores so non technical people would be looking at it from start to finish and came up with that suggestion
That's a very reasonable explanation.

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