Other Help Topics :: /tmp/mydsl.installed

1: I see that /tmp/mydsl.installed is owned by dsl.staff. Does this mean that if you have two users on the system, it must be rebooted before the second user can install mydsl extensions?  This question doesn't really apply to me...I'm just curious.

2: Would checking the contents of this directory be a reliable way to test if an extension has been successfully installed from the mydsl gui?

1. Adding a user via provided means sets the group to staff. So should not be an issue.

2. Using provided means should be fruitful. However, some, bypass such means, e.g., manually load via browser and approriate extraction tool(s).

some, bypass such means, e.g., manually load via browser and approriate extraction tool(s)
That's understandable. I was was thinking entirely of the mydsl browser, though, so I guess it should bear fruit.


original here.