Other Help Topics :: error mounting partion

I cant mount a partion neither as user nor as root

always get the same message

mount: relocation error: mount: undefined symbol: blkid_known_fstype

I use dsl 3.4.1  installed on hd

Did you make a frugal hd install or traditional hd install?

What command(s) are you using, something like this?
Code Sample
$ sudo mkdir /mnt/hda1
$ sudo mount -t ext2 /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1

Could you paste the command(s) that resulted in the error message above.

Thanks a lot for your reply

I found the solution

I had the same error message when trying to mount a secondary hard drive using: mount /dev/hdb5/ mnt/hdb5
The hard drive was physically placed in the IDE1 position and  detected in the bios.
Running:  cfdsik /dev/hdb showed that the hdb5 partition was created and was of FS type 83 (Linux Extended), but I still couldn't mount.
I finally figured out that I hadn't formatted the drive, so I used:
mke2fs -cv /dev/hdb5 to do so, and after the filesystem was created I could mount till the cows came home!


original here.