Other Help Topics :: DSL on IBM thin client?
i'm waiting for the "grub hack" - thats all I need.
There are two ways to run all kind of linux distros with the
N2200... one is to hack the bios to support initrd(linuxbios?), the other one is to hack grub... and thedevil, if you really
make it work - i can't thank you enough...
Check out the internet appliance bbs at
They have a lot of gadgets like that on this site. I was going to try and boot my Gateway Connected Touchpad which is a similar gadget to the IBM Netvista but the Gateway has a touchscreen.
Has anyone tried installing VLC to stream media off a network?
i'm waiting for the "grub hack" too.
I want to get www.thinstation.org on a n2200.
i stopped trying to install DSL on a Netvista 2200 TC ... now i'm using a NCD ThinSTAR 564.NET ... it works fine ....
for some pic's go to ==> www.hiltec.at
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