Other Help Topics :: DSL on IBM thin client?
to save it make "cp -a .xmms hda"
good night
I've been watching and am very interested in this hack.
The only thing I wnat to know is, is the Flash drive set to read only beacuse on other fourms they said it can wear them out.
Hey 8363,
That did the trick. I now have streaming audio playing in my shop. One more thing, how would you go about changing the screen res. down to 800x600? Should I just edit the xf86config file, if so which line?
I'm not sure about the answer here. 8363 put this together from a Debian Woody install, so I'm not sure how he is doing it without looking a little closer. Most apps run in memory, so I don't think it would be a problem, but without a hard drive activity light on the netvista it is kind of hard to see if the OS is thrashing the CF or not. That is why I really wanted to use DSL installed as Frugal, as the whole file system and all apps would have been running in ram. I don't think it is as critical anymore with the newer CF cards anyway.
CF-Cards only wearing out by writing. So i use a ramdisk and copy some
directories into it, some other directories (they are only been read ) i linked to the
ramdisk. Then i "chroot" into the ramdisk, now the ramdisk is the root system.
To make it safer, you may uncomment the line
"#umount / "
in the file "ram".
When you uncomment it, the CF_Card is readonly mounted.
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