Other Help Topics :: ReMastering HOWTO for DSL

No the things you install in a remaster are not installed to ramdisk. They are installed to your targetpartition, being on the harddrive, zip- or usb-drive.

Have fun,

Thanks for the great howtos , meo
I ran into a problem.
When I boot with my remaster live cd, i can't apt-get update. It says somethings about permission denied. (/var/apt/cache/archieve)
During remaster should i chmod 755 some directories ?
What should I need to clean up after remastering ?
I prefer to leave apt-get, enhance (GNU tar util) alone. I don't care so much about space

I did follow your DSL remastering HOWTO (Reinstalling apt-get).
I reinstalled apt-get and enhance(download dsl-sys.tar.gz and extract manually), so my remaster do not need to download any files from internet later.I apt-get install/remove severals packages. Then i made cloop and iso successfully.

i am extreamly new to linux and first things first, dsl seems like a great distro

i am trying to put dsl on a usb thumbdrive but when i try the $sudo mke2fs /dev/sda4 command i get this error
mke2fs: no such device or address while trying to determine filesystem size

do i have to change the sda4 to something else and if so how do i find out what
thanks in advance for any reply


I've followed the instructions and am trying to boot form the floppy disk, however I'm getting sent to the knoppix minimal shell. Does the location of compressed file system matter?, how does the software search for the location of the compressed file system, I'm not quite clear on that.

I'm also wondering if there's a way to customize which default kernel parameters are set in the remastered distro, for instance I'm working with a flat-planel, and it doesn't like vga=791

Also, why does the instructions say to use the 'testing' branch.. is it safe to use the stable (default) configuration of sources.list?

thanks in advance,


viper92225, plug in your usb stick before your boot into DSL
bring up a terminal and type
fdisk -l
you should see a your /sdaX

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