Other Help Topics :: ReMastering HOWTO for DSL
I made a flua script remastering tool thanks to this thread. Just copy the text between the lines and save as "remaster-flua". Make it executable by opening a shell, changing to the directory you saved the file to, and then type "chmod a+x remaster-flua". Then you can run it from executing it in emelfm as super user or from a root shell. You can't run this as user dsl. Click on the getting started button for help.
-- remaster-flua
ww = 420 -- window width
wh = 420 -- window height
Fl_Widget.initializers = {textfont = 15, labelfont = 15, labelcolor = 0}
Fl_Window.initializers = {box = Boxtype.thin_down, color = 15}
w_main = Window{ww,wh, "remaster-flua"}
b0 = Button{10,90,180,30, "getting started"}
function b0.callback()
b1 = Button{10,130,180,30, "copy files"}
function b1.callback()
if whoami~="root" then
fl_message("You must be root to complete this task!")
execute("aterm +tr -T -e mkdir "..browse.."/source &>/dev/null")
execute("aterm +tr -T -e mkdir "..browse.."/newcd &>/dev/null")
execute("aterm +tr -T -e mkdir "..browse.."/newcd/KNOPPIX &>/dev/null")
execute("aterm +tr -T -e mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom &>/dev/null")
execute("aterm +tr -T -e cp -Rp /mnt/cdrom/boot "..browse.."/newcd &>/dev/null")
execute("aterm +tr -T -e cp -Rp /mnt/cdrom/lost+found "..browse.."/newcd &>/dev/null")
execute("aterm +tr -T -e cp -Rp /mnt/cdrom/index.html "..browse.."/newcd &>/dev/null")
execute("aterm +tr -T -e cp -Rp /KNOPPIX/* "..browse.."/source &>/dev/null")
execute("aterm +tr -T -e cp -Rp /KNOPPIX/.bash_profile "..browse.."/source &>/dev/null")
execute("aterm +tr -T -e umount /dev/cdrom &>/dev/null")
execute("aterm +tr -T -e eject &>/dev/null")
fl_message("now edit your source dir")
b2 = Button{10,170,180,30, "create iso"}
function b2.callback()
execute("mkisofs -R "..browse.."/source | create_compressed_fs - 65536 > "..browse.."/newcd/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX && mkisofs -no-pad -l -r -J -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -c boot/isolinux/boot.cat -hide-rr-moved -o "..browse.."/mydsl.iso "..browse.."/newcd &>/dev/null")
fl_message("iso created")
mm = Menu_Bar{0,0,ww,25;textfont=9}
file_open = Menu_Entry{"&Choose a directory/&Open..."}
function file_open:callback()
--browse = fl_file_chooser("Open a File","/mnt",getenv("HOME").."/")
browse = fl_file_chooser("Open a File","/mnt",getenv("HOME").."/")
if browse then
display.value = "Open: "..browse
display.value = "Open: nothing"
display.value = "Open: /"
help = Menu_Entry{"&File/&Help"}
function help:callback()
file_quit = Menu_Entry{"&File/&Quit"}
function file_quit:callback()
display = Output{10,40,ww-20,20}
w_help = Window{ww,wh, "help window"}
w_help_text = Box{10,180,0,10,"\n"..
"Thanks goes to meo's remastering help threads in the forum, and\n"..
"also to Mikshaw's flua_reference.uci to help make this.\n"..
"created by plinej on 2006-02-09\n"..
"First of all check out the thread in the forums at:\n"..
"To get started you'll need to be booted up in DSL with your\n"..
"live cd in the cdrom. You will also need a partition to do\n"..
"your work in. meo's posts say you need to format to ext2\n"..
"but I've successfully used an ext3 partition. You need to\n"..
"choose a directory from the drop down box to run this script\n"..
"in. Make sure the directory you choose doesn't have\n"..
"subdirectories named source or newcd. Press the copy\n"..
"files button to start the first part of the scripts.\n"..
"This will create the source and newcd directories,\n"..
"mount your cdrom, and copy all necessary files.\n"..
"You'll then be prompted to make your changes to the source\n"..
"directory. After you make your changes you will need to\n"..
"press the create iso button which will first make your\n"..
"compressed filesystem and then makes the iso mydsl.iso\n"..
"in your work directory. The iso should now be ready to burn.\n"..
"If you already have your source and newcd directories\n"..
"on your hard drive ready to be made into an iso you can still\n"..
"use this app, just skip pushing the copy files button, You'll\n"..
"still need to choose the directory from the drop down box."
whoami = getenv("USER")
if whoami~="root" then
fl_message("You might as well close this program now,\n"..
"since root power is needed to build an iso.\n"..
"Try \"sudo remaster-flua\"")
I put the remaster-flua up on my monkey web server so you can just download it if you want it.
You'll need to use save link as...
Hello I request assistance in remastering, if you have time.
I have 3 partitions on my laptop: SuSE 10, WinME, WinXP.
I remastered the DSL, following this webpage's instructions:
A couple of problems, however.
Cloop does not seem to be available for install from YaST, but when I type "modprobe cloop", no error occurs.
Also, "create_compressed_fs" was not available on SuSE, so I simply downloaded the binary from Yahoo, put it into /bin, and that seemed to work
I created a 51MB myremaster.iso file. I copied it to my WinME directory and booted into WinXP, loaded NERO and then burnt it. The CD did not boot, but it appears that there are files there (boot.* and KNOPPIX).
I downloaded DSL in WinXP and burnt it using NERO so I can't understand why this didn't work.
Thank you for reading this.
My biggest concern is establishing a source of software updates that is a little safer (right now) than myDSL. If I need to use a different version or a more up-to-date version, I don't want to be stuck waiting until someone creates a myDSL package. Naturally, of course, I wouldn't be opposed to creating one, myself, but, first things first, I'd like to make sure all my bases are covered.
I had some problems installing stuff from debian at first, which is why I decided to try to go to source code compilation, but I'll give it a shot once again with this procedure.
Hi again!
Just wanted to say "Thank You" to plinej for an interesting script to make remastering a breeze. I might just give it a try.
Have fun Y'all,
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