Other Help Topics :: ReMastering HOWTO for DSL

done this part..
what im doing in hda3:
- removing installed app. the first victim being beaver. found in whereis that it is located in /usr/bin and /home/dsl/.xtdesktop. try deleting it gave me "read only file system"
-chmod 777 the file - no effect

how would i circumvent this

note: im only on page 40 of this thread.. if some solution have been in the other pages.. i dont know..

Mount the partitions needed
#mount -rw /dev/hda3 /mnt/hda3

Create the directories needed
#mkdir /mnt/hda3/source
”mkdir /mnt/hda3/newcd
”mkdir /mnt/hda3/newcd/KNOPPIX

Copy necessary files to the newcd directory
#cp –Rp /cdrom/boot /mnt/hda3/newcd
#cp –Rp /cdrom/lost+found /mnt/hda3/newcd
#cp –Rp /cdrom/index.html /mnt/hda3/newcd

Copy the sources to the proper directory
#cp –Rp /KNOPPIX/* /mnt/hda3/source
#cp –Rp /KNOPPIX/.bash_profile /mnt/hda3/source

It took a while to read through all this, but I don't think I saw an explanation on how to remaster a USB install without using a CD or HD.

Let's say you have a spare USB memory stick and plenty of RAM, how would you go about it?

Hi Juanito and slimeph!

On page 56 there is a RAM-Remastering HOWTO. That is a remaster entirely made in RAM. Depending on how much RAM you have there might be a need of a swap-partition. It is possible to use an usb-drive as swap. Just format it as swap and it should be found during the booting of the box with dsl. When it comes to take things away from the dsl-distro I have no experience at all so I can't be of much help there. Sorry!

Have fun guys,

Hi guys!

I just made an programming remaster of DSL RC2 and it seems to work just fine. This is the way I did it:

Making a remaster suitable for compiling sourcecode

Download the following modules to home/dsl

Mount the partitions needed
#mount –rw /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1
#mount -rw /dev/hda3 /mnt/hda3

Create the directories needed
#mkdir /mnt/hda3/source
#mkdir /mnt/hda3/newcd
#mkdir /mnt/hda3/newcd/KNOPPIX

Copy necessary files to the newcd directory
#cp –Rp /cdrom/boot /mnt/hda3/newcd
#cp –Rp /cdrom/lost+found /mnt/hda3/newcd
#cp –Rp /cdrom/index.html /mnt/hda3/newcd

Copy the sources to the proper directory
#cp –Rp /KNOPPIX/* /mnt/hda3/source
#cp –Rp /KNOPPIX/.bash_profile /mnt/hda3/source

Go through and copy wanted things to source
#cp –Rp /mnt/hda1/backgrounds /mnt/hda3/source/etc/skel/.fluxbox
#cp –Rp /mnt/hda1/styles/* /mnt/hda3/source/usr/share/fluxbox/styles

Copy the modules to /mnt/hda3/source/home/dsl and install them
#cp cvs.dsl /mnt/hda3/source/home/dsl
#rm cvs.dsl

Follow this procedure with all the modules so they all end up in /mnt/hda3/source/home/dsl

#chroot source
#cd home/dsl

OBS! Make sure there are two hyphens "-" before --same in same-owner. I doesn't look so in the standard firefox browser.

#tar -zxvf cvs.dsl –same-owner -C /
#rm cvs.dsl
#tar -zxvf flex-bison-libtool.dsl –same-owner -C /
#rm flex-bison-libtool.dsl
#tar -zxvf gnu-utils.dsl –same-owner -C /
#rm gnu-utils.dsl
#tar -zxvf gcc1-with-libs.dsl –same-owner -C /
#rm gcc1-with-libs.dsl

Create the custom compressed image file
#mkisofs –R source | create_compressed_fs - 65536 > newcd/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX

Create the iso-file as follows
#cd /mnt/hda3
#mkisofs –no-pad –l –r –J –no-emul-boot –boot-load-size 4 –boot-info-table –b
boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin –c boot/isolinux/boot.cat –hide-rr-moved –o mydsl.iso newcd

Copy the iso-file to the partition where you have your favourite cd-burning program
#cp mydsl.iso /mnt/hda1

This remaster works very well as far as I know compiling sourcecode.

Usually I don't make an iso-file to burn since I use dsl-embedded. Just by remastering the KNOPPIX-file I can delete the old KNOPPIX-file and copy in the new one in it's place. This way it's possible to save a lot of time.

Have fun out there,

Hi Y'all!

Just a quick note: I have made a remaster of DSL RC3 and it seems to work just OK. I installed emacs using apt-get also and it works. The only thing is that it has to be started from a command-line or run program in the DSL-menu. I used the HOWTO just posted but added dsl-dpkg.dsl to start with so I could install emacs which is my favourite editor. That's it.

Have fun remastering DSL,

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