Printers :: Built in printer support
Maybe this will be helpful...
Devices known to ghostscript :
bit cljet5 ljet4d pjxl300 pxlcolor
bitcmyk cljet5c ljetplus pkm pxlmono
bitrgb deskjet nullpage pkmraw stp
bj10e djet500 pbm pksm tiff12nc
bj200 epswrite pbmraw pksmraw tiff24nc
bjc600 faxg3 pcx16 png16 tiffcrle
bjc800 faxg32d pcx24b png16m tiffg3
bmp16 faxg4 pcx256 png256 tiffg32d
bmp16m ijs pcxcmyk pnggray tiffg4
bmp256 jpeg pcxgray pngmono tifflzw
bmp32b jpeggray pcxmono pnm tiffpack
bmpgray laserjet pdfwrite pnmraw uniprint
bmpmono lj5gray pgm ppm x11
bmpsep1 lj5mono pgmraw ppmraw x11alpha
bmpsep8 ljet2p pgnm psgray x11cmyk
cdeskjet ljet3 pgnmraw psmono x11gray2
cdj550 ljet3d pj psrgb x11gray4
cdjcolor ljet4 pjxl pswrite x11mono
If your printer is not listed then maybe it has a compatiblity mode for one of the above.
original here.