Apps :: Trying to get java working in firefox...Help
I always visit a Flash site first and use the install plugin to fetch install and get that directory
I did that for flash, and it worked fine. Java wont do it, you have to manually install(which I already did). As for this:
cd to /home/dsl/.mozilla/plugins ln -s /opt/jre1_5_0/plugin/i386/ns7/
I have jre1.5.0_06 in /usr/java (where I installed it). So should it be : ln -s /usr/java/jre1.5.0_06/plugin/i386/ns7/ ? Edit: maybe not....that didnt work. Neither did this: ln -s /opt/jre1_5_0/plugin/i386/ns7/ Fragging Java.....WORK!Looks like you have a regular hard drive install? What version or whose version of Firefox and Java are you trying to use?
I can tell you that using stock DSL 2.0 or higher, liveCD or frugal and jre1_5_0.uci from the repository, Java plugin works as previously posted.
Yes, a regular Hdd install. The firefox right off the 2.0 cd (1.0.3), and since the Java wasnt working, I got the latest from the java website.firefox 1.0.3 Not in 2.0 With a hard drive installed system who knows.
All I can do is from a known state. This can be achieved quite simply by the following steps.
1. boot dsl-2.0 cd like this
dsl norestore base
This will ensure a pristine known state of the OS no loading of any other files that might cause a problem.
2. Step up network (if required)
3. Start firefox to make sure .mozilla is setup, then close Firefox
3. Using the mydsl GUI on the desktop select jre1_5_0.uci Using this tool will ensure a valid download of java and it is installed in /opt and plugin in /opt/.firefox_plugins
The only new steps required from past uses is steps 4. and 5.Worked like a charm. Thanks. I think the problem may have been dropping DSL on top of a previous Slax install, without starting "fresh". I tweaked the partitions, and formatted......follow your instructions - BAM! (its installed on a Toshiba Tecra lappy - p150/148mb ram/2.1gb Hdd BTW. Runs good too.) Firefox shows as 1.0.6 now. Now.......if the sound would only work ---my next project---Next Page...
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