Apps :: VNC Server

My situation: my laptop's monitor is trashed.  I can hardly see what's going on most of the time, but there are brief moments when I can see the text long enough to install something... or at least that's what I'm hoping.

I'd like to install a VNC server on the DSL install I've already completed on the laptop.  So my question is...

How do I do this?  I've looked for the VNC server in the repository mentioned in the DSL FAQ, but I can't find it.  So...

Can anyone point me in the direction of a VNC Server app that I can install in DSL?  And, since I'm a total linux n00b, any suggestions/tutorials for installing it?

I'd really like to use the laptop as an environment where I can play around with Linux via VNC, so if I can get this to work it will be awesome.

Thanks in advance for any help.

The RealVNC server is in the "networks" section.

I guess you just open it in EmelFM, I haven' t tried it yet, so let us know how it goes!

original here.