Apps :: apt package manager

Has anyone experiences with getting dsl smaller? I want to use DSL for very special purpose and therefore want to eliminate such software like office applications, graphic tools and so on. Apt should provide a graphical user interface for dpkg, that is a packet management tool - Right?

Anyway I do not know how to get it working.

Help me.

No, actually it's dselect that gives sorta graphical management of apt-get
DSL is not pure debian so alot of things will need to be removed manually. If I were you, I wouldn't even mess with using apt-get to remove applications.
Are there any special commands for removing applications manually in DSL? What would be easiest way?

I get DSL in a version providing just the functionality I need. For such purpose I want to eliminate unneeded apps and maybe compile the kernel on my own without any usb-modules or such stuff. Does anyone know about a precompiled smaller kernel?  :cool:

original here.