Xkeycaps is a great application For those interested this is my .Xmodmap file :
! ! Extended US keyboard keycode 66 = Mode_switch Multi_key keycode 117 = Mode_switch Multi_key keycode 49 = grave asciitilde twosuperior threesuperior keycode 10 = 1 exclam exclamdown keycode 11 = 2 at eacute Eacute keycode 12 = 3 numbersign guillemotleft guillemotright keycode 13 = 4 dollar onehalf onequarter keycode 14 = 5 percent EuroSign cent keycode 15 = 6 asciicircum dead_acute dead_circumflex keycode 16 = 7 ampersand egrave Egrave keycode 17 = 8 asterisk multiply division keycode 18 = 9 parenleft ccedilla Ccedilla keycode 19 = 0 parenright agrave Agrave keycode 20 = minus underscore ssharp macron keycode 21 = equal plus plusminus notsign keycode 24 = q Q acircumflex Acircumflex keycode 25 = w W ecircumflex Ecircumflex keycode 26 = e E icircumflex Icircumflex keycode 27 = r R ocircumflex Ocircumflex keycode 28 = t T ucircumflex Ucircumflex keycode 29 = y Y yen degree keycode 30 = u U oslash Ooblique keycode 31 = i I ae AE keycode 32 = o O oe OE keycode 33 = p P paragraph section keycode 38 = a A adiaeresis Adiaeresis keycode 39 = s S ediaeresis Ediaeresis keycode 40 = d D idiaeresis Idiaeresis keycode 41 = f F odiaeresis Odiaeresis keycode 42 = g G udiaeresis Udiaeresis keycode 43 = h H eth ETH keycode 44 = j J aring Aring keycode 45 = k K copyright registered keycode 47 = semicolon colon ugrave Ugrave keycode 48 = apostrophe quotedbl mu keycode 52 = z Z aacute Aacute keycode 53 = x X eacute Eacute keycode 54 = c C iacute Iacute keycode 55 = v V oacute Oacute keycode 56 = b B uacute Uacute keycode 57 = n N ntilde Ntilde keycode 58 = m M Multi_key keycode 59 = comma less thorn THORN keycode 60 = period greater ordfeminine masculine keycode 61 = slash question questiondown keycode 65 = space nobreakspace hyphen
Cheers Thx for the posts, i did what said and put this in my .xinitrc
xmodmap ~/.xmodmap-box &
but i still cant get the remapped keys to start up when i boot. is this a format problem, or am i missing something. i am using a harddrive install
Xmodmap only works with XFree86 in DSL.
If you're using the Xvesa X-server that comes with DSL it should not work. You either have to install the full XFree mydsl package and configure it, or if you want to use Xvesa, look at how to setup console keyboard as this is what Xvesa uses.xmodmap works fine with Xvesa. I use it to set up my windows keys.
mi007kes: Do you have a ~/.xmodmap-box file? I don't see you mentioning anything about what you put in this file.Next Page...
original here.