Apps :: MyDSL Error: Non DSL. User Error

I have recently installled DSL On a IBM 450Mhz cmputer with 128Mb RAM and a 5Gb drive. The partiotions are hda1 with 850MB and the M$ Window$ OS. hda2 is swap w/ 256Mb. and hda3 with DSL.

I have to say that I love DSL but whenever I try to get additional packages from MyDSL it comes up eith the error "Non DSL. User Error".  I have also tried to have it installled in /tmp, /usr, /usr newdir, /home/dsl, and other DIR but I had no luckk. I decided too search the forums but I didn't find anythinng useful, mabie I mmissed it but I did try. Anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong?

Thank You in advance    < (_ _) >

You must be logged in as user "dsl" in order to install myDSL packages, because the menu item and icon in these packages are made for this user. Installing them as root will change ownership of files that need to be owned by dsl.
If you use EmelFM, make sure that you do not start emelFM as root.
I had the same problem, had added other users but they were unable to install MyDSL extensions.  So I tried the suggested solution; logged in as the user DSL and installed them.  That worked, but ONLY for the user DSL. The programs that were installed were still not accessible by any other user accept DSL.  This does not help.

How can I allow other users to install MyDSL extensions and have them be able to access them through their login?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

There are only one or two mydsl packages which are accessible only by user 'dsl'. Cube is one, because the program was never designed to support a multi-user install (and requires the user to write to its program directory.  Stupid?  yessum), so it installs into /home/dsl (not accessible by other users). Practically every other package should work fine for all users.  The only things missing would be:
1) mydsl menu entry
2) icon
3) personal configs.  This is the only thing that might cause trouble, as far as i can tell.  Occasionally an application requires a config file in order to run, but for some reason it was not programmed to create the config if it is missing.

If you require the things listed above in order to run a program, you can copy the files into your new users' home directories as root, and then give ownership of the copied files to their respective users. Icons are in .xtdesktop, menu item listed in .fluxbox/ & .jwmrc, and personal configs are somewhere in the home directory, usually named fairly obviously and with a dot at the beginning of the filename.

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