Apps :: xwd2jpeg ?

Does DSL include any command line utilities to convert xwd images to jpeg or to png format? 'Include' meaning that user does not need to install any prog from MyDSL or with apt.
Nothing for batch processing (commandline) as far as I know, but you can open xwd in xpaint and save as jpg or png.
Hm Then it may be possible by using libs that xpaint does..?
maybe...but I assume it would require a c program in order to use the functions in those libraries.  Any way you look at it I think you'll still need to add something to DSL
...unless there's an application already included, as you were requesting.

Hmm. Maybe I just make a script that automatically downloads Imagemagik and installs it. And then modifies the "X window snapshot" line in ~/.fluxbox/menu...
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