Where are you having trouble, with the icon or the command? Is the glinks directory in /opt at least staying put now?
An alternative to the symlink is an alias, which works in a frugal/liveCD system as well:
Code Sample
alias glinks='/opt/glinks/bin/glinks'
Put that in /home/dsl/.bash_profile and it should apply the next time you login.Let me summarize what I do:
1. I pick glinks.uci from the myDSL menu, and download it to /opt 2. glinks now is added to the fluxbox menu, and runs happily.
So, if I have understood you correctly, I'm should now: 1. copy the glinks-directory 2. Unmount the glinks.uci, usin the uci-tool in the fluxbox-menu. 3. Paste the glinks-directory back into /opt 4. Type the following in the terminal window: sudo ln -s /opt/glinks/bin/glinks /usr/local/bin/[CODE]
So this is what I have done. When I try to start glinks from bash, though, it just says "command unknown".Is it actually there? Try
Code Sample
ls /opt/glinks/bin/glinks
Is there any output?
A direct way to find what's being used could be...