Apps :: Restore "Make" to DSL

Hello everybody,

I'm trying to get WPA for my wireless card running, and I need "make" to get wpa_supplicant running.
I have so far tried DSL 4.0 and 3.4.5.
I have a harddisk install, restored apt-get and GNU utils.
When I do apt-get install make, both installations alike get files from the file mirrors and try to install, but end up with an error while unpacking fileutils.

What am I doing wrong, and is there an easy way to restore "make" capability?

Thanks, Robert

There's an easy way: get the gcc1-with-libs.dsl extension. It includes much of the compile environment needed (gcc, g++, make, headers..)
...or the compile-3.3.5.uci extension which you can unload after you've used make :)
Thanks folks!
I'll give these options a try after entertaining the kids for a while ;-)

wpa_supplicant is already included with DSL.
What issue(s) were you encountering and what card?

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