Apps :: gimp 1.2 - unknown file type on open

 Just gave a try to gimp 1.2 extension to DSL 4.0. It seems to work, but I always get the error message:
Open failed: xyz.jpg: Unknown file type
Same error with a xpm file...

Do I need to add some additional library?

Thank you! Bye.
S. Boivin

I don't think so. It worked for me. I tried an xpm and a tif all ok.
Do you have many many extensions loaded? Perhaps a conflict there. Does it work, if you boot and only load gimp?

Here is the list:

mydsl-wget /tmp/mydsl/gnu-utils.dsl system
mydsl-wget /tmp/mydsl/bc.dsl apps
mydsl-wget /tmp/mydsl/gimp-1.2.dsl apps
mydsl-wget /tmp/mydsl/python-2.5.uci testing
mydsl-wget /tmp/mydsl/cvs.dsl system
mydsl-wget /tmp/mydsl/gnuplot.tar.gz apps
mydsl-wget /tmp/mydsl/nedit.tar.gz apps
mydsl-wget /tmp/mydsl/ruby.dsl system
mydsl-wget /tmp/mydsl/p7zip-4.42.tar.gz system

I have no idea which lib is missing... Do you have a hint?

Thank you.
S. Boivin

My question is if you only load the gimp, can you display the file in question. I suspect it may be a library that is being overwriten by one of the other extenions. Please try with only gimp loaded and go from there.

original here.