Apps :: Looking for GUI or Curses file/folder Diff program

I use a couple of tools in Windows (Beyond Compare, Araxis PMDiff) that perform side-by-side comparisons of folders and files.  Their strengths are that they offer file-management / file-editing commands and a clear view of differences in a full-screen layout.

I use the Unix diff command with my CVS package and like it very much, but need a diff tool with the same strengths as the Windows apps I use.

What are the choices for an equivalent application for Linux?  Have any been packaged as DSL extensions?  Does anyone have any scripts that can do the same work by calling diff?

Much thanks,

You mean like (g)vimdiff?

or "diff -Naur" (new files+all files+unified+recursion)?
Thanks guys.  Definitely more like vimdiff.

Is vimdiff in the gnu-utils extension?

No, look for vim in MyDSL (UCI has 6.3 and testing has 7.1, iirc).
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