Apps :: Help Required Installing .deb package

Thanks - as you recommend I will avoid using 'root'.

Are you aware of any tools I could use to generate a UI and script for launching the application? Will your icon builder be useful for this purpose?

Again thanks for you help.

If you want to launch something from an icon, just about any command can be done that way.  Since this is a commandline program, it will need to be run in a terminal.  If you are in X this would be an X terminal (aterm in DSL 1.3, rxvt prior to 1.3).
The command could be something like this:
aterm -e bdc --update
or if it needs root:
aterm -e sudo bdc --update

As far as an interface, that would require a bit of scripting, unless someone has built one already.  Lua FLTK is a perfect way to build simple interfaces in DSL, but it requires Lua scripting is not a UI generator.  Most of the DSL-specific gui tools in DSL are LuaFLTK scripts.

One thing you might notice is the behavior of term applications depending on how they are started.  If you open a shell and then launch a program, the shell will stay open.  If you open a shell with a program as an argument (aterm -e something), the shell will immediately close after the program finishes.  This might actually be what is happpening from emelfm, but i couldn't say for sure unless I saw what was happening.

original here.