Apps :: Help with installing Limewire
Hey everyone, just recently started using DSL on an old computer I got for free, and so far it is absolutely amazing! By the way, I'm just booting off the CD for now...
Here's the problem...I wanted to get Limewire, so I go to the site and download it, and then I tried to open it like I would a .exe in Windows, but nothing I do a little research on .rpm's and I read on these forums that you need a DSL package, and there was this
link to download it from and I tried to but whenever I click the package I want (dsl-dpkg.dsl ), my CPU goes up to 100% and it freezes....any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
To download the package from the repository,
you'll right click on it and select "save link as".
In the repository you'll find the Limewire package.
You also need jre1_5_0.uci package.
All packages have an info file with them, giving
you a description of the package.
You can left click on the info link to read it in
your browser.
Same with the MD5 sum, so that you can check if
there were any download errors.
The uci packages are a little different to the .dsl
or .tar.gz packages, in that they are "mounted"
rather than uncompressed
like the others.
But either way, you still install them by using
Emelfm to browse to where ever you saved them,
highlighting or selecting the package, and clicking
on the myDSL button (center, top) of the Emelfm
The UCI packages can be "unmounted" by clicking a
second time.
If you can, you might want to save your downloaded
packages to some hard disk partition for later use,
if you just leave them in /home/dsl, they will be gone
on your next reboot.
original here.