I want to use dsl as a webserver. (monkey) with Monkey everything works great accept cgi I followd every rule like use ascci on cgi files, chmod 755 etc. the *.cgi was not find on this server bla bla bah! I chmodded the directories and cgi files to 755 I also did 777 but I keep getting the same result. I'm now running the website on XP with perl and it works! But I want to use DSL not that stupid XP I can't find a good help on the subject in this forum What's wrong with Perl It drives me crazy. Damn small linux..... AAAARGHRR Must get help! please!django, try this. I made the following test file as root called it tut.pl, and placed it into the /opt/monkey/cgi-bin directory (sudo beaver /opt/monkey/cgi-bin/tut.pl), :
then I ran sudo chmod 755 /opt/monkey/cgi-bin/tut.pl
I started monkey, opened dillo, and went to and there was my page.
I hope this works for you as well.I did wat you sugested and dillo and firefox produced nothing. I have that problem with my scripts to when I fiddle with chmod 777 it can;t be found when I make it 755 nothing happens I work from a harddisk install by the way.What version of dsl are you using? I don't have a hard drive install, but I can try that version with the liveCD if it helps.I use 1.5 the latest and I tried it from cd also but the result is the same. I must be doeing somthing stupidly wrong. You give me hope though! Thanks for helping me.Next Page...
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