Apps :: How to boot an application at startup
i need to boot D2OL at startup.
the application is in the /home/dsl/SengentD2OL/D2OL folder and its name is D2OL.
I have added the lines /home/dsl/SengentD2OL/D2OL/D2OL to the file, but it does not work. I just get a bunch of errors when i boot DSL.
I think it has something to do with Java because the program needs it to run.
how would i boot java at startup, it might solve my problem.
and i am not sure if what i added to the file is correct.
First, if the application is something that should be run as a regular user rather than root, it should not be in bootlocal....It should be run from /home/dsl/.bash_profile. If it uses a graphical interface, it should be run from /home/dsl/.xinitrc.
If it is a program that will run continuously it should be followed by "&" so the script in which it is included can continue. If it is a daemon, the & is probably not necessary.
Since it needs Java, you should download the jre extension from the mydsl repository and have it loaded automatically if you do not have a standard harddrive install of DSL. I don't know anything about Java in DSL, so you should read the info file associated with the java extension to see if there is anything special that needs to be done to get it working.
You should also post the "bunch of errors" so we have a better idea of what is wrong.
thanks mikeshaw
i added the commands to the .xinitrc file and it worked perfectley
original here.