water cooler :: Phrases and sayings....

In Jamaica they have a saying like that - "Dog gwin eat ya suppa!" Which is a sort of curse for people that don't do what they should do when given a choice between right and wrong.
A friend of mine who is trapped deep in the bowels of corporate America told me that a memo circulated around his office outlawing the phrase "Eat your own dog food."

The employees were instead told to use the more politically correct term, "Champagning your own product."

I have never actually spit an entire beer through my nose prior to this anecdote.

I wonder how "eat your own dog food" is not politically correct.

And "champagning" isn't even a word ???

From the wikipedia....
To help distinguish libre (freedom) software from gratis (zero price) software, Richard Stallman, founder of the free software movement, developed the following explanation: "Free software is a matter of liberty not price. To understand the concept, you should think of 'free' as in 'free speech', not as in 'free beer'".

So..... when someone says "Free, as in beer" that means it's free as in "no charge" ?  I'm sorry, maybe this is a generation gap thing. It's just not clear to me.  

Is DSL "free, as in beer" or "free, as in speech" or both?  With my understanding as of now, I would think that it's both.  

I guess I understand the idea of the 'dog food' phrase. It makes sense when given some background. I will say the PC "Champion your own product" is a little  easier on my ears.

Quote (mikshaw @ April 11 2006,22:11)
I wonder how "eat your own dog food" is not politically correct.

And "champagning" isn't even a word ???

maybe the dog food goes down smoother with champagne?  Although I've never heard anyone say free as in champagne.

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