water cooler :: Net nutrality - have you heard of it?

I always thought as a user on the internet that I was paying my ISP to provide me with a certian amount of bandwidth to look at what ever I felt like on the internet.

now they are going to charge the content providers as well.. hmm thats along the lines of charging a farmer for the seed to plant and then charging him a fee to harest the seeds he sowed....

Yep pretty much like that!


At its core, this is yet another threat to the internet's capacity to facilitate freedom of speech.  Just like some of the other legislative trends that get right up my nose.  That's what I was trying to say in my earlier somewhat-ranty rant
hmm, i wish i could sign it like i did with EFF. but apart from not living in the US, i don't think signing anything these days gets us anything but lot's of un-related email. what this needs is a tv documentary like 60 mins.
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