water cooler :: avi
does anyone know of a decent avi player thats precomiled?
I think that there are packages for Mplayer and Xine.
If you want a standalone media player you could always use GeeXbox or Movix for a good avi/divx/mp3 Live-Cd distro.
I always like build video players from SRC becuase, I think they run faster that way, more optimized or something... DSL comes with a mpeg player, but no avi player. Another thing to consider is video codecs, becuase there are a ton of differnt ones.....
Edit /etc/apt/sources.list to get from 'unstable'. Then, apt-get install xine-ui
precompiles available for many distros (incl Debian) and source too. also, many codecs avaialble.
original here.