water cooler :: gpg terminal command

Im using GPG on damn small linux.
so far everything is fine just one thing i cant seem to figure out.
if i digit the command gpg at the prompt, is asks me to write a text I wish to encrypt (I guess in memory as it does on kgpg using the clipboard)
I use a laptop with a 2 buttons mouse, and it seems not to be able to copy the selected text.
so how would i proceed to encrypt a text I write in the terminal and paste it into the browser email page to send it out and a simply encrypted text?


highlight the text you want to copy, click onto where you want to paste it, and click both mouse buttons at the same time.

if you had a 3 button mouse, you would center-click.

hope that fixes ya.


i have tried that already but doesnt work.
is there a way to copy and paste using the keyboard?

original here.