water cooler :: Your Sysadmin/Rescue toolbox
What tools do you carry around for when the installed OS just won't cut it?
I have...
DSL (of course) - with lots of extensions, both tools and other stuff (but thank goodness for "dsl base"!)
Both flavors of DSL bootdisks - USB and regular.
Tom's Root Boot - sometines you just need a single floppy OS
Windows NT Offline Password and Registry Editor Linux (when the site works, its here) - because people forget passwords and expect me to fix it! And with this, I can!
What do have?
Tomsrtbt both floppy & CD (made a 2floppy variant with loop files and addons)
Barts Boot CD (Golden dragons version with nero/trueimage + virus checkers)
WinXPE boot CD + utils
Insert CD - Linux boot/utility Cd This is Damn brilliant and takes over from the knoppix cd as my number one rescue disk. Can't recommend it more highly.
original here.