water cooler :: Where did you first hear about DSL?

I found it on linux.org when I was looking for a linux distro to start with. It looked pretty easy to use and didnt look like it needed as much in system requirements as other distros, but still offered a decent number of features. I was amazed when I first started, which was in 0.7.2, because a day or two afterwards, a new version was released.
0.5.1, not sure where I heard about it, but have been using it off and on for quite a while now

Im too chicken to just go balls to the wall Linux desktop...but when I get the chance I use it


I found it through the Knoppix page.  I was attracted to the small size (not something you hear every day) and I thought I'd give it a chance.  I've been pleased with it ever since.
I found it under the chair leg.

I was sitting on the chair and wondering why it was rocking and wouldn't sit correctly. I looked under the legs and found this funny little CD under a leg. Put it in the computer, and the rest is history . o O ( or perhaps future, from the perspective of the story? )

Seriously, I have *no* idea where I found it.

I think I first saw it at Freshmeat, but I'm not totally sure. Seems like it was version 0.5.3.
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