water cooler :: Ubuntu

Anybody got any opinions of wisdom on Ubuntu?
Quote (andrewphoto @ July 13 2005,09:00)
Anybody got any opinions of wisdom on Ubuntu?

Not exactly sure what you mean by the above but below is a possible answer:
http://distrowatch.com/ Page Hit Ranking provides some pretty compelling evidence of Ubuntu wisdom.


Quote (andrewphoto @ July 12 2005,19:00)
Anybody got any opinions of wisdom on Ubuntu?

Not exactly wisdom, just one n00b's experience.

Resident Distro Slut here.

I've still got Kubuntu (KDE version of Ubuntu) on my 400 Mhz PII. I'm having problems with networking and AV codecs. I've given up on doing any audio editing with that distro.

My DSL machine gets used instead of my KDE machines about 90% of the time  so maybe I'm just being lazy about learning Kubuntu. What I'd recommend instead for a quick-and-easy down-and-dirty switch for a less-than-technically-interested windoze user is Simply Mepis, which popped on the small (soon to be replaced) HD of my lappy very quickly for checking out the hardware, transferring files to my flash drive, etc. All I needed that wasn't already on the CD was the codecs for playing commercial DVDs.

I also run Slackware on a P4 that has a sound card that does not support DSL.

What I need KDE to do could probably be done just as easily with more myDSLs, a larger partition, and a bit more time put into my own education as well as customizing my installs on a 56K connection, which is rather time consuming.

Just my $.02 USD. I've been using DSL longer and more intensively than anything else so of course I'm most comfortable on it, although I am aware of its limitations as a newbie distro.

This is not a paid promotion.

kubuntu isnt as userfriendly as ubuntu, ubuntu was my first distro ever, it is really simple to use, i would say it is like windows, it is very easy to navigate and it helps with a lot of stuff.
Kubuntu is an official Ubuntu release.

The only difference is that it has KDE.

Everything else is the same.

It's VERY user friendly.

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