myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: how to mount compressed iso file

why /tmp/hda1 ci images need to be mounted at boot time there in lies the problem dsl needs to mount and load these at boot
First the .ci should not be mixed in with the other extensions. They have a separate webpage. On that webpage it stated how to use them. They work fine with any kind of DSL install.

Starting with 0.7.3, you will be able to mount and umount them via the same myDSL button in emelfm. So, I guess it won't really matter if they are on the same webpage. Note the .ci uses much less memory then a tar.gz, or .dsl. But also, note that they will usually require a small .tar.gz for configuration files specific for the application. Be sure to read the .info file for proper use.

Because is usually a double mount, and because of the limited cloop devices, it is preferred to use the DSL system to mount and umount them, as you need to make application directories, and keep track of available cloop devices.

For those, who want to see the actual command, using the example from the prior post:

mount /mnt/hda1/ /opt/firefox -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/cloopX   where X is the next available cloop device.
0.7.3 should be out RSN.


original here.