myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Request a .dsl here

The vnc4x works well as a vnc server for me.
Being a "server" there is nothing to see....

1. Click on the Vnc4x icon. This enables the program
2. Click on the Vnc4x0 icon.  This enables your Display:0
3. Goto another computer on your network with a vnc client
 ( like Damn Small ! ) , and enter the ip address of the server.
4. Enjoy..

guest: ..
DSL includes the terminal program microcom, which is very
similar to minicom..  If you wish to use minicom, it is very
easy to install -->  " apt-get install minicom "
It is only one file, so no need for a " dsl " extension.


must have been a dodgy download, menu options complain that files not exist :s
as for minicom, what about people too lazy to install dsl-dpkg.dsl
What about the rox desktop?
The Rox filer and a bit more are already available in the DSL repositories - I downloaded it and iit works beautifully.

Rox is potentially one of the most user friendly desktops in Linux, and putting it on the ever popular DSL could give it the impetus it deserves IMHO. There is only one live CD with Rox as the desktop and it is Russian...

I have no other requests as you have done evrything I need already except sever or Xfree86 to have in the options directory in case i want to see/show a full screen MPEG on Mplayer (the only use I need it for)

I will try to make some DSLs myself soon. I am looking at this forum carefully and learning all the time.

Gosh! What a forum!!!

A request : ntpdate

(work well with DSL, installing with "apt-get install ntpdate" but I need to keep them on local drive)



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