myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: MyDSL browser not working
I'm also having problems with the MyDSL browser and our proxy and dsl1.1. I can't get to the internet other than through our fascist webproxy.
apps -> tools ->MyDslBrowser gives the same (null) result.
.wgetrc proxy is set as it always was (both http and ftp).
Trying wget from the command line says "host name lookup failure".
What puzzles me is this: doesn't dillo use wget as its downloader by default (well at least .dillorc has wget set to follow links from web browsers) ? Yet I'm having no problems right-clicking and downloading from website repository using dillo (which has the same proxy settings configured in ~/.dillo/dillorc).
Guess I'll talk to myself.
My problem, I have since seen, is the same as SuperLou's ie wget will work if I export the proxy settings in a shell first, but .wgetrc does NOT work.
No-one continued that thread from that point on either.
I'll try adding the export line to one of the init-type files and see if that works.
This was not a problem before dsl1.1, so I'm wondering what (if anything) has changed, or perhaps it is some proxy specific thing.
wget is working fine with proxy env variables exported from .xinitrc. so it's not that. I can type wget http://whatever and away it goes.
Running mydslPanel.lua from a shell (brings up the panel) and it ALL works AOK, downloads etc !
The mydslPanel.lnk file in ~/.xtdesktop seems ok - it launches mydslPanel.lua alright ..
BUT you only get a blank white window after clicking on, say, 'system'.
So what's happening?
(Of course, feel free to respond anyone, or have I developed some contagious disease only transmissable via the web - 'newbie-itis" perhaps ...! )
EDIT: It occurs to me that environment vars exported from .xinitrc must not be seen by a process launched from fluxbox? Fluxbox is not a child process of Xinit??
original here.