myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Can't backup icons

Bugger, it seems that I can't get the icons to restore properly.  I've tried removing the .xtdesktop reference from xfiletool.lst, 'cause it looked like maybe that was stopping restoration as well as backing up, but I can't seem to consistently have the tar.gz extract via mydsl to replace the existing links - actually, the new icons themselves also don't seem to be copying, which would indicate it's more than just a "you can't replace this" issue...
If I open the package in emelfm and copy the files over, all works fine, but I'm wanting to put this package in my root for auto-load on bootup.

Oh, a tip to anyone else wanting to put stuff in root - I think they are loaded alphabetically, so rename your packages in order of load requirement, if a certain package needs something else to be loaded first.

PS.  The reason I'm doing this is 'cause I just got some biz-card CDs, and I've found that it looks like I can actually squeeze in over a meg of settings, packages, etc, on top of the base ISO.  So themes, icons, ace-of-penguins, my collection of DSL notes, and the hefty flash plugin for firefox...

Great to see a theme for the DSL icons. Nice work!

Extensions are loaded alphabetically. This is important to know when you run xfree and nvidia because xftree has to be loaded first. My nvidia.dsl file is named znvidia.dsl


Quote (RoGuE_StreaK @ June 20 2005,00:23)
a new theme.

hmm, i don't really like these icons with button-backrounds.

Nothing is trivial.
Attention to detail.
Keep on top of s..t at all times.

I'm looking forward to burning a bizcard with my baby nephew as wallpaper, minimal icons, and mailing it to my brother-in-law.

In martial arts, a full pot of boiling water on a fire is equilibrium.
(Water constantly evaporating, addition of new water kills boiling point, fire needs feeding, ETC.)
Confucius say the only certainty is change.

original here.