myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: UCI glitch
I noticed little bug with the mountci script (or maybe it's in mydsl-load...haven't gone too deep into it yet).
If you have a .uci extension that contains no user.tar.gz file (no menu, icon, or personal settings), it will destroy your fluxbox menu if you load and unload the extension before loading any other extensions. Apparently /tmp/menu.tmp is copied into /home/dsl/.fluxbox when you unload a uci, regardless of whether the loading sequence first wrote to the file. Since the initial menu.tmp is an empty file, what you get after unloading the uci is an empty fluxbox menu.
Loading any other type of extension first will write a menu to /tmp/menu.tmp, so you'll have that menu to fall back on. Is it possible that using a copy of /etc/skel.fluxbox/menu as the initial /tmp/menu.tmp will solve this trouble?
Sounds like you should be using .ci and not .uci as the "u" stands for embedded user.tar.gz which you have not.
Do we have .uci files in our repository
that have no user files in them?
If so, please let me know, and I will correct.
kent: No, I noticed this while building a UCI.
robert: That had crossed my mind, so i tried changing the extension to 'ci' (both are the same type of file, yes?). It didn't mount using mydsl-load, and at this point i don't know much about the differences so didn't try anything else yet. I just assumed that the user.tar.gz was optional, and would not cause trouble if it didn't exist. Another assumption was that uci replaced ci. I now assume that both assumptions were incorrect.
I think in the future I will add a user.tar.gz, even if it just includes a single file, like a link or something.
update: just adding a file in user.tar.gz doesn't help. I guess a menu item is required in a uci? That doesn't sound like an ideal situation. What if you had a non-interactive program which also included user-specific files? It would need a user.tar.gz, but not a menu item.
Also seems kind of overly complicated to have two different cloop extension types just because one has a menu item and one does not.
Mikshaw is correct here. As part of the massive changes to the mydsl scripts in 1.3 I have seen this happen and not just a UCI. I have added code as suggested my Mikshaw to try to fix. I don't have an example of a UCI but saw it happen when only auto loading XFree86.dsl which has no menu or icons. That is now working in the soon to be released 1.3. Thanks, Mikshaw for bringing this to my attention. I will deprecate the old style "ci" extension.
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