myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Question about creating .uci extensions

I've looked around and haven't found all I think I need to know to correctly build .uci extensions.  I deconstructed a couple existing extensions and believe I got the application, the user.tar.gz, and /tmp/ files all correct.  In order to get the icon on the desktop I put the icon and lnk files in the user.tar.gz file.  The downside is that when I unload the extension the icon does not get removed from the desktop.  It seems like the menu item does get removed.

Is there a way to use /tmp/mydsl.icons to load and unload the icons.  If so please share.


Make sure the package, icon, and menu item all have the exact same name.  So if your package is blahBlah1.0.uci, the icon files should be blahBlah1.0.lnk and blahBlah1.0.png
mikshaw is so sharp !..

see here that your /tmp/ filename matches as well.

name of extension = foobar.uci
name of link = foobar.lnk
name of icon = foobar.png
name of mydsl file = tmp/
( and inside the foobar file, the beginning of the title needs
to match closely, but uniquely, to the extension )
e.g.  Foobar Install , not Install Foobar


Thanks guys
I retried the same thing I was doing yesterday and everything is working.  The fog may have cleared this morning.

original here.