myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: What is UCI?

Mostly because not everything will run in /opt

Somethings require additional files in other parts of the filesystem, such as XFree86.

We add to the collection of .uci extensions as we find things that will work with the system.


so where should i bee saving extentions such as Xfree86? (maybe thats why I can't get it to work properlly)
It doesn't really matter where you save them, as they automatically extract to their right location when you install them.  Save somewhere you can find them, such as /home/dsl, then in emelfm select the file and hit the "mydsl" button - this will extract/"install" to the correct place.

When making a liveCD, if you put them in the root directory they will automatically load on boot.  If you create an "optional" directory and put them in there, you will get a list of available mydsl's in your menu, and you can install whichever ones you want by clicking on their menu link.

original here.