USB booting :: running DSL from USB on public school computers

Actually, DSL user Fordi once built a "DSL Embedded" livecd.

It was pretty neat beacuse it was a 2-way install.

You could boot it as DSL native when you turn on your computer, OR you could boot it as DSL embedded from within MSWindows.

It was slightly over 50MB in size, so it could be burned to a business card CD-R disk if your CD-burner software supported the "overburning" function.

Unfortunately, the scripts to build this embedded livecd disappeared from his website and have not heard much about the topic since then.

Does anyone have a copy of Fordi's "DSL Embedded Livecd" builder script kicking around?


About making a DSL embedded cd:
1) Download a copy ok Qemu with Qvm86 support
2) Download and install Qvm86
3) Download the dsl image into the qemu folder
4) Create the appropriate dsl batch
5) Copy the qemu folder onto a CD-r

Done. Then you insert the cd and double click the batch file and you'll start the q-emulated dsl image. Even better the administrator can install the  Qvm86 accellerator and start "net start qvm86" at boot time.

The main issue with a stock QEMU+DSL livecd is that it will be well over 50MB in size and not fit on a Business Card CD-R disk.

Fordi had some tricks to accomplish this as described here:;st=0

original here.