USB booting :: Frugal USB install can't find KNOPPIX filesystem

Hello all,

I'm in the same boat when I did the usb zip install to my pen drive I get missing konoppix file system message as well has anyone come up with a fix? It boot to my desk top but not my lappy?


i am in the same situation,
however i took my boot parameters from isolinux.cfg from within the iso, ill try your parameters as well as the previouse segestion about scsi and let you know if it changes anything.

tried it with

title DSL
root (hd0,2)
kernel /boot/isolinux/linux24 root=/dev/sda3
initrd /boot/isolinux/minirt24.gz

same knoppix filesystem error =(

Haven't used grub before, can't think of any advantages except
maybe the bios can only boot from a usb-pen prentending to be a
hdd. Or maybe (as a user on another thread states,) the bios can
only boot from a pen formatted with usb-zip but the usb-zip limit is 1G.
Or perhaps have several disks and like using the grub menu to
select a boot? Pls tell us why use Grub instead of usb-hdd or usb-zip?

Anyways, I suspect the "Can't find KNOPPIX filesystem" msg is unrelated to grub. It is usually because something like "fromhd=/dev/sda1" is missing from the boot line.

original here.