USB booting :: Custom USB DSL
I am able to install DSL onto my USB stick and boot from it. However I would like customise this DSL USB stick so that it has no other programs on it or icons on the desktop other than rdesktop. I would also like this USB stick when booted to boot directly into the rdesktop screen ready for the username and passord to be entered. Another requirement would be to have rdesktop load supporting 1024x768 screen.
Thanks in advance.
What you want is thin client distro.
Howvere you want to customize it, there are already distro that can do the job. Search 'knoppix derivatives', I remember a couple of them., or you can use yhe LITSP live cd.
I think I would give a lazy man's approach, or at least for a prototype.
Use icontool and delete unwanted icons.
Copy /usr/local/bin/rdesktop.lua to /home/dsl/.
Adjust redesktop.lua to provide the larger screen format
look for the execute statement /usr/bin/rdesktop ....
and try /usr/bin/rdesktop -f ...
Right click the rdesktop icon and select properties and change the path to /home/dsl/rdesktop.lua
Use backup and restore to test results.
If you like the prototype...
Put these mods into a mydesktop.tar.gz and then use the
mkmydsl script to produce a new mydsl.iso.
Have fun, play, explore.
roberts, thanks for your reply.
I am not really that familar with Linux as I come a 'windows' background. However what you have suggested sounds good but do I do these adjustments to the HDD install before making the USB stick with DSL? I tried to the adjustments on an already installed USB stick but I am unable to locae the directories you mention.
Thanks again.
original here.